Chances are, whether you’re a minimalist or somebody who likes finding donated goodies at the thrift store, you’ve heard of Marie Kondo’s book Spark Joy or her Netflix series “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo.” The concept is pretty neat; we hold on to things that make us feel good. It’s an easy practice, and who doesn’t want to feel more connected to the things that surround them? Those simple pleasures and moments of joy is what Blueberry Haven is all about!
Here are Tiffany’s Top 5 Blueberry Haven products that “spark joy” and why:

Blueberry Haven Blueberry Pie Candles are warm and fragrant–they smell like Grandma’s house. =)

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Blueberries for Chiara (pronounced “Key-are-a”) People often say that the hardest thing about losing a child is that no one says their name anymore. These malted milk ball treats were designed to bring the joyful memory of Chiara, who lost her life swimming in Lake Michigan, home to those who knew and loved her.

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Blueberry Oatmeal Cookies bring a happy smell to your home and joy to your tastebuds!

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Lake Michigan Chutney Tiffany always serves this treat when she entertains friends and family–one of her favorite things to do–and the taste of it brings delight.

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Blueberry Coffee Especially in the harsh Michigan winters, you can’t beat a fragrant cup of this snuggled up next to the fireplace. It ushers in the warm memories!

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What sparks joy in your life? Let us know in the comments here, or via our Facebook page!

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